Sunday Worship Services

Nursery available with trained attendant 9:30 am-11:30 am

9:00 am JOYmass— A formational liturgy for kids and their grownups to learn about God, faith, liturgy, and worship

10:00 am Rite II Holy Eucharist (Live Streamed)

Weekday Worship and Formation

Morning Prayer Monday-Friday, Morning Prayer Rite II, 8:30 am, Chapel

Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays, 10:00 am, Parish Hall (resumes in September)

Men’s Bible Study Saturdays, 9:30 am, Parish Hall

Community Bible Study Wednesdays, 7:00 pm, Parish Hall (taught by Parish Priests)

Welcome to Christ Episcopal Church! 

We are a welcoming, inclusive, and multicultural congregation, anchored by worship and community, who celebrate the myriad expressions of God’s love and grace in our world.

Whether you are exploring Christianity for the first time, or you have been a faithful disciple your whole life, you will find partners, prayers, and encouragement here.

Check out some of the worship services (livestreamed weekly and archived on YouTube), and read about the many opportunities to grow your faith and serve others in Christ’s name.

On behalf of the clergy and entire congregation, I would like to personally invite you to worship with us or to join us for any event on our calendar. Every voice in our community enriches our witness and strengthens our faith in Jesus Christ!

Upcoming Events